Food Industry

Food Testing

Microbiological food testing focuses on assessing food products' microbial quality and safety. This includes tests for pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli and indicators like Total Aerobic Count and Coliform.

These FDA approved bacterial contamination tests help ensure food items are free from harmful bacteria, meet regulatory standards and guarantee consumer safety.

Group 28
Group 27

Our Services

This accurate sugar content measurement is crucial for flavor profiling and quality control. Our Brix determination services ensure your products meet the highest standards, delivering an exceptional taste experience.

How to Get Started

Let us help you achieve compliance with local, national and international regulations in 3 easy steps:


Discovery Call

Fill out the contact form with the necessary details. During the consultation, we will discuss your unique research goals, timelines and budget considerations.


Project Kickoff

Once we’ve aligned our services with your goals and timeline, we’ll begin the tests and analyses, ensuring your project progresses smoothly.


Results Delivery

After the tests are completed and validated, we will call you to discuss the results and send a copy of the analysis through email.

Frequently Asked Questions

This test quantifies the presence of yeast and mold in food products, ensuring they meet acceptable levels for safe consumption.